Saturday, February 5, 2011

I feel a desire to finally explain the title of this blog. It relates to one of my favorite authors, Albert Camus. For anyone who has not read "The Stranger" I recommend that you do. It will put your life in the light of existentialism, in a world where your life is irrelevant. For someone like me who is a scientist, a non-believer, it cast doubt on my very reasons for being alive. But I digress. Camus wrote a short essay called "The Myth of Sisyphus" in which he replies to the age old Greek myth. Sisyphus is forever doomed to push a rock to the top of a large mountain. Upon completing his task, it rolls back to the bottom and Sisyphus must begin again. Camus infers that Sisyphus must be happy in his plight--he is never disappointing. He never hopes for more only to be let down. In knowing his eternal fate, he finds relief rather than punishment.

I would challenge people to think about that. If you knew exactly where you were going and how your life would turn out, you wouldn't bother to worry about much. Funny what a little perspective can do to you.


  1. Oh, honey, we will talk more (if you wish). FUCK THINNER. Fuck Camus. I'm interested in your blog, please keep writing. I'm not usually quite so direct, I think I just see you as somehow new, maybe malleable. OMG PLEASE DON'T GO THIS ROUTE! Your terrain may be all uphill from here - but it's not possible to say. Maybe uphill, down, mostly likely a mix. I don't know any other of Camus's writing. What else do you like about him? And think about this - if it's all about perspective, what's the significance of your weight? (I'm not saying it's not there, just wondering how you reconcile these personal anchors.)

  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me. Because of you, I have committed to maintaining this blog now instead of abandoning it. Hopefully it can be the catharsis I seek. Thank you again and I hope you are well yourself...
